Stefan Herm


About Stefan Herm

Stefan Herm studied economics at the Freie Universität Berlin and received a degree as Dipl. Kfm. in 1992. He started his career at GSD Gesellschaft für Systemforschung und Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitswesen mbH and became managing director in 1997 to transform the Berlin based company into an internationally active information technology vendor, and leading international SAP healthcare partner. When merged with Siemens, Stefan Herm integrated GSD and became managing director of Siemens Health Services Europe and took responsibility or the SAP-Siemens Global Healthcare Alliance. After reorganizing the Siemens product portfolio Stefan took an offer by McKesson and became COO of Mckesson International Operations Group based in London and developed a growth strategy for European Healthcare IT business.

Following an assignment as Managing director at Nuance Communications Inc. Stefan Herm left industrial leadership roles and started a career as executive consultant for international healthcare IT projects, realizing projects with in Egypt, Abu Dhabi, Slowakia and supported global projects at McKinsey as an external consultant.
After being invited by Bertelsmann to reset their European business of Healthcare E-learning, Stefan Herm decided to accept an offer from TUM Klinikum – Rechts der Isar and became CIO with focus on the Digital Transformation Path 2025 as well as Research&Training projects at TUM.