Dr. Stefan Taing
Managing Director M3i Industrie-in-Klinik-Plattform


About Dr. Stefan Taing

Dr. Stefan Taing heads the industry-in-clinic platform M3i (www.m3i-muenchen.de) in Munich. The industrial engineer with a PhD is an expert in innovation management and has advised international clients on the licensing and commercialisation of key technologies in IT and medical technology.

As a business angel, Dr. Taing has co-founded companies in the medical technology and IT security industries through the Medtech Innovators Fund (www.mtech-innovators.com).

Dr. Taing holds a doctorate from the LMU Munich. He studied industrial engineering and sinology at the Vienna University of Technology, Aston University in Birmingham (UK) and National Taiwan University. Dr. Taing is a founding member of the Rotary Club of Munich – Münchner Freiheit and has coordinated voluntary international education projects there.