In his doctoral thesis, Dr. Maximilian Rückert examined how politics can be shaped in times of economic, social, technical and military revolutions. He examined the scope for action of individual actors when they believed that the old world they knew was coming to an end – that was in the 19th century. Today, lessons can be drawn from this for the revolution of our day – the digital revolution.
After his time as a university lecturer at the Chair of Modern History in Würzburg, Max Rückert worked at the Hanns Seidel Foundation, where he was head of department and conducted research on the concrete social, economic and technical effects of digitality. After several publications on topics such as „Roboter als Erlösung? Orientierung der Pflege von morgen am christlichen Menschenbild“, and „Gesundheitsdaten nutzen!“, he has now been supporting Dr. Georg Münzenrieder’s team at the Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care since 2022. His activities there focus on the Telemetikinfrastruktur and its digital care applications: ePA, e-prescription, e-medication plan, etc.