Carlos Arglebe
Corporate Cybersecurity Officer


About Carlos Arglebe

Carlos Arglebe, born in 1969 in Portugal, is a distinguished
professional in the field of cybersecurity. He studied law in
Erlangen, Germany, and later earned an MBA in Healthcare

Since joining Siemens in 2000, Carlos has held various pivotal
roles in Quality Management, Regulatory Affairs, Risk
Management, Data Protection, Information Security, and
Cybersecurity. His journey in cybersecurity began in 2019.

Currently, Carlos serves as the Corporate Cybersecurity
Officer at Siemens Healthineers, where he holds global
responsibility for cybersecurity. His comprehensive approach
ensures the security of internal operations, services, and
healthcare products. Carlos is a strong advocate for holistic
cybersecurity, viewing it as a fundamental quality
requirement that enhances safety, privacy, and uninterrupted
access to healthcare services.

He is also pushing for a change in perspective from simply
cyberSECURITY to cyberRESILIENCE, emphasizing the
importance of anticipating setbacks and bouncing back